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Detox – Find Your Balance is here! God led us through the development process and now this exciting outreach is ready to use in your community. Check out the new Detox webpage and re-designed resources here. Hundreds of women contributed time, leadership and creativity to set a sure foundation for this innovative outreach to women in their 30s and 40s.

We invite you to a special conference call to celebrate and dedicate Detox. This will be a time to gather Stonecroft volunteers, offer our gratitude to God, and dedicate this outreach to His glory.

God has guided our footsteps in evident ways – confirmation through prayer, offers of free locations, near miraculous funding, and more. Creating Detox has been quite an adventure.

Please join us to dedicate Detox on Tuesday, September 20 at 1 PM EDT, Noon CDT.

Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone, by visiting Or call 1.646.749.3131 and use access code 710-072-517.

Come celebrate with us!

P.S. Interested in learning more about Detox? Visit the Detox Resources page for the next scheduled Detox Informational Call.

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