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Outreach & Training Events

Stonecroft wants to come alongside of you as you reach out to others.

If you are planning an event in person or online, we can help you by providing training and resources. Our team will post your event on Facebook so that you can invite your Facebook friends to expand your reach.

Please complete the  Stonecroft Event Registration Form to register your event.

If you have questions about holding an in-person or digital event, please email [email protected]  or call our Ministry Support Team at 800.525.8627, menu option 2. We’ll be glad to assist you.

Check Out Upcoming Events

Types of Events

Stonecroft leaders located throughout the country hold several different types of Workshops to help others share their story. Here are a few types of digital and in-person events:

  • Relational Evengelism: This is a fun and easy training that will equip and encourage you to share your story and His story in everyday conversations, whether in small groups or one on one.
  • Outreach Events: Outreach gatherings vary in time and location, and include a relevant feature presentation, music from a guest artist, and a delicious meal. An inspirational speaker closes every event by sharing a heartfelt story from her life
  • Fall Fundraisers: Stonecroft’s Fall Fundraisers help raise awareness of your Group in the community, welcome women who typically don’t attend, share the Gospel story, and support your group and Stonecroft financially! Learn more on our Fall Fundraiser page.
  • Leadership Training Events: Stonecroft leaders desire to equip you as leaders and communicators of the Gospel. These gatherings are an opportunity to equip you to lead outreaches, facilitate small groups and begin faith conversations to love people toward Jesus.
  • Prayer Gatherings: Prayer is the foundation of everything we do. Prayer is offered regularly on conference calls and in-person gatherings. Stonecroft has many resources to help you lead an effective evangelistic prayer gathering.
  • Formal Public Speaker Training: These small group workshops are designed to overcome fears and build confidence as a public speaker. Additional one-on-one coaching is required to be approved as a Stonecroft speaker. Once approved, Stonecroft speakers are regularly called upon to speak at Stonecroft sponsored outreach events.
Call us at 800.525.8627

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