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Season 1, Episode 6:

Creating Space for Relationships

Helping people meet Jesus means spending time with them. But how do you create space for relationships when you feel overly busy? Maddison and Jessica talk about practices that have helped them to slow down, be present with Jesus, simplify their lives, and invite others into them. They share personal examples from learning to create space to get coffee with friends to doing things that restore and refresh their souls like spending time outdoors. Listen in to discover how to live more simply and less stressed so you can invest in the relationships that matter.

ADDitude Magazine

You are Free: Be Who You Already Are by Rebekah Lyons | paperback & ebook

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist | paperback & ebook

“Why We Need Silence and Solitude” by Ruth Haley Barton (with Ginger Kolbaba), September 2010 | Today’s Christian Woman

inspiring spiritual curiosity through listening

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