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There is nothing God wants more than to see His lost children come home to Him. The lyrics of the popular worship song, “Reckless Love,” ring in my ears as I think about the lengths God will go to for His lost children: light up shadows, climb mountains, forcefully remove walls and lies. All to reach us. Our God is fierce about finding us so we can be reconciled to Him!

I remember when I was a college student on my way home from school and missed several calls from my dad because I was jamming to Toby Mac a little loud in the car. When I called my dad back, he was frantic. He had no idea where I was or what had happened to me; he was in the grocery store with a buggy full of groceries (we refer to shopping carts as buggies in the South) that he had cast aside and was heading out to the parking lot to get in his car and find me when I called him.

I couldn’t believe my dad would be that desperate after a few missed calls, that he would leave his groceries in the store and dedicate his day to driving up and down the highway searching for my little blue, two-door Chevy Cobalt. The love of a father knows no bounds!

As children who have been found by God, we have the privilege to join Him on the most sacred search-and-rescue mission of all time. So many in our families and communities are still far from God, and Jesus has commissioned us to reach them.

As with any great venture, we should saturate our evangelistic efforts in prayer. When we turn our hearts to the lost and seek the One whose heart breaks even more for them, God will move mountains and make way for His children to come.

As you desire to reach the unbelieving and broken in your world, I pray that the prayers below, along with Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit, will empower you to reach many for His name with the power of the Gospel.

Prayer for Your Heart

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you with a deep and intense desire for the lost. (Luke 15:8)
  • Pray that God will open doors of opportunity. (Colossians 4:3-4)
  • Pray that God will show you ways to add value to the nonbeliever. (Colossians 4:5-6)

Prayer for the Nonbeliever

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw the lost to God through Jesus. (John 6:44)
  • Pray that God will remove blinders from their eyes to see the light of the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will remove fear and replace it with sonship. (Luke 15:21-24, Romans 8:15)
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to give them wisdom to know God better. (Ephesians 1:17)
  • Pray that God will send workers to harvest those who don’t know Jesus. (Matthew 9:38)
Traci Crowder

Traci Crowder

Mid-South/Great Lakes Field Director

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