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Friends of Stonecroft

May 2024

Karen was given an extraordinary offer by an ordinary woman.  She and her husband were looking for a farm and were on a budget.  They had heard about a farm for sale and took a drive out to see it. They were not expecting to see anyone that day so imagine their surprise when a smiling, young widow greeted them. As the widow gave them a tour, she asked questions and listened.  The truth is that farm was still way beyond their budget and their offer was very low.  The widow thought for a moment and said, “I will accept your offer if you agree to come with me to lunch.” 

Karen went to that lunch, not sure of what to expect. What she found was a room full of welcoming women, encouraging her and sharing the hope that they had. She went back month after month, found the same encouragement, developed deep friendships, leadership skills and a community of support. She never knew that decades later this group of women would save her. As Karen lay in the hospital for 22 days, almost dying, it was the constant prayer, love and care of these women that got her through. 

When you give to Stonecroft, you teach women like the young widow to make extraordinary invitations, provide resources to grow them and support to build communities of impact.  

If this is your first time with us, your presence here today is your gift to Stonecroft. 

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