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What do you do when your internet server stops responding… when connection is lost? Have you ever been in the middle of something, and then all of a sudden you cannot continue because for some reason you cannot verify the server identity? Maybe you see a pop-up caution indicator over your Wi-Fi bars letting you know that you no longer have internet access.

When connection is lost, then togetherness is too. To have a solid Wi-Fi connection, the host and the server must be able to communicate with each other. If they can’t, it may be time to troubleshoot.

For example, one can try things like:

  • Making sure one has an active internet connection.
  • Check that your devices can access the Wi-Fi connection.
  • Try resetting (turning off and on again) your Wi-Fi router.

Have you ever thought of your relationship with God in this way? What do you do when it seems like you have lost connection or togetherness with Him? How can you restore your desired closeness with God? It may be time to troubleshoot.

Here are some things I have tried that have helped me:

  • I slow down to be sure that I am engaged with God. Do I sense any caution indicators? Am I truly working in operation with God, or going in my own direction(s)?
  • I check to be sure that I can access God. This means getting away from distractions so that I can be present with my heavenly Father.
  • Hitting reset in my spiritual life. Turning off what is not helping me be together with God, and turning on again those things that can draw me to His presence in fresh new ways.

Aren’t you glad that we are so much more than a device that forwards information between networks? Togetherness reminds me that we are special… made in the image of God. So let’s join together with our Father!

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

– Ephesians 2:10

Anne-SchneiderAnne Schneider
Northeast Field Director


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