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Watch the videos below and then get started reaching women where they are, as they are!
Part 1: Welcome
Sarah LeBlanc, Director of Field Ministries, welcomes you to Stonecroft as she shares about the vision of Stonecroft hubs and the opportunities available as a Stonecroft Hub Leader. Learn more about the Stonecroft mission and the rich history of sharing the Gospel with women here in the U.S. and internationally.
Part 2: Prayer
Maddison Berciunas, Outreach and International Coordinator, shares how prayer is the foundation of everything at Stonecroft – from hub meetings to outreach to small groups. She explains ways your hub can pray as you seek God’s direction for reaching your community with the Gospel.
Part 3: Planning Hub Gatherings
Emma Reynolds, Southeast Divisional Field Director, shares planning tips to get you started for your first hub gathering. Emma suggests practical ways to organize and plan hub gatherings and explains why “laugh, live, and love” is so important. She also explains how to plan activities that are fun, impactful, and result in meaningful relationships.
Part 4: Outreaches & Resources
Stonecroft staff members Jessica Leep Fick, Evangelism Resources Director, and Maddison Berciunas, Outreach and International Coordinator, share about their podcast, Stonecroft outreach programs, Bible studies and Conversations resources, and leadership training available for you as a Stonecroft hub leader.

Part 5: Recruiting

Suzy Sherpherd, Central Divisional Field Director, shares about recruiting leaders which she explains is simply finding women who have a passion to share Jesus. Suzy talks about the importance of prayer when inviting women. Listen and learn how you personally engage with each woman to hear how her gifts and passions might be God’s call to join your local Stonecroft hub.

Part 6: Communication & Social Media
Autumn Katz, Western Divisional Field Director, shares communication tips about social media through Facebook and other platforms. She also talks about the branding guide that gives you the Stonecroft logos and colors so you can easily post and promote your hub through social media and beyond.
Part 7: Celebration & Reporting
Anne Schneider, Hub Growth Director, shares the importance of celebrating how God is moving in your hub. Anne encourages Hub Leaders to report meetings, outreach activities, and stories of changed lives. Stonecroft makes reporting easy with website links for you to access and complete from your phone or tablet.
Part 8: Stonecroft Military
(for Stonecroft Military Hub Leaders only)

Optional: Gather Dream Go

Gather Dream Go is our hub kickoff event that brings women together to become influencers for the Gospel in the community. It is an inspirational training event led by the Divisional Field Director (DFD), Stonecroft Home Office staff, and select volunteers. The goal of this event is to cast vision, train interested women, and recruit more women. It’s the official Stonecroft hub launch.

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Hub Leader Training Next Step
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