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“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

– Matthew 18:20 (NLT)

If you long to see the Gospel transform women in your area, join a Prays Group or start your own.

We invite you and one or more women to gather monthly to pray and ask God, “How might I reach her?”, “Where do I go from here?”, and “How should I pray?”

Stonecroft has provided a guide for you to seek what God is doing in your lives. Our prayer is that as you meet, this prayer guide would be part of a consistent rhythm that leads your prayer and conversation. Use this simple and intentional guide each time you meet to pray and encourage one another as you share your faith with your friends.

Monthly Devotions

July 2021 Prayer Devotion: Begin Again

There are seasons for everything and everyone’s life. Sometimes, there is plenty of energy and space to produce fruit, whether it’s caring for a family, running a business, ministering to others, or being creative.
And sometimes, there are times of, well, no fruit at all.

Most of us celebrate the season with loved ones, but some spend their holidays hurting and alone. How can we generously extend God’s love to them?

This holiday season, Stonecroft invites you to meet women where they are in their loneliness by asking your unbelieving friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family how you can pray for them. You’ll pray for their requests, then follow up with them after the holidays to see how God moved in their lives. We’d love to hear what God did!

The Easter season invites us to celebrate our life with Jesus as we remember His death and resurrection. Jesus’ message to His followers before He ascended into heaven was to go and make disciples of all nations. How do we respond to this message?

Let’s start this Easter season by sharing Jesus’ love through prayer. We invite you to ask your nonbelieving family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers how you can pray for them. Pray for their requests, maybe invite them to church, and follow up after Easter to see how God moved in their lives.

Register your Prays Group
Stonecroft Prays Registration
The address of your current residence.
If this is a Military Prays, include the name of the military base/post.
Visit to read our Statement of Faith.
I grant permission for Stonecroft to add my name and email address to the Prays information online.

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